CMC&M News, Website, WordPress
Do you really have time to deal with website maintenance and updates? Do the changes you make to your site never look just right? Let someone you can trust do the updates and changes for you. All our team members have years of WordPress experience and can handle any updates or site changes you need.
If you saw last week’s blog, then you already know about our great new service. Well, it’s finally live! Remember we talked about the importance of keeping your website updated? It keeps things running smoothly and helps protect your site against cyber-attacks. Did you know if you do an update, even a required one, there could be a conflict between WordPress and your theme, or your theme and a plugin, that might cause your website not to function like it should? Remembering to confirm a current backup is in place is just one of the things we will do before starting updates. We also know how troubleshoot the plugins to find the conflict if needed. These are the type of services you will receive when you sign up for our maintenance package.
The monthly Website Maintenance Package includes:
- All WordPress required updates
- All theme required updates
- Content changes (2 per month)
- Additional page (1 per month)
- Confirm backups are completed
No more worries about the little red dots with numbers in them that appear on the dashboard of your website. No more worrying about how to add content and new pages to your site. Contact us and let us handle these things for you! Keep your website up to date and looking professional with a little help from us.
For more details about this new service, please visit the Website Maintenance page!
CMC&M News, WordPress
In the ongoing effort to meet the differing needs of our clients, we have developed a new Website Maintenance Package that will be available effective August 1st. We are currently testing to have a streamlined sign up process ready for you!
Our Website Maintenance Package is for clients who have a website built on the WordPress platform, which by the way, we highly recommend. WordPress is the most popular CMS in the world and is used by nearly 75 million websites. According to WordPress, more than 409 million people view more than 23.6 billion pages each month. With that many people and businesses using WordPress, it’s hard to argue that it is one of the best website platforms. Read more interesting statistics about WordPress from
WordPress has premium themes and plugins and free themes and plugins. Premium options will be feature-rich, responsive, and well supported by the developer. These themes and plugins are also updated each time WordPress creates an update so they continue to work seamlessly together while ensuring the most robust and secure platform available.
Free themes are usually created by independent developers, with limited or no support – although high-end vendors will sometimes provide free “lite” versions of themes and plugins, as a tempter for their premium options. However, due to their lack of cost, the quality and customization options can vary greatly and you cannot rely on them to be updated as needed like the premium options.
For instance, if WordPress updates their platform and the theme or plugin developer does not, this could cause your site to have issues or even crash completely. Having said that, if you don’t do the required WordPress update, your site can also have issues. If you do not do the required updates suggested by WordPress or the theme and plugin developers, your will site could become outdated and not integrate well with other programs or newer plugins.
Watch for a blog post coming in August that will take a closer look into the details of the differences between the premium and free options.
Sounds like a catch 22, doesn’t it? If you don’t update you could have problems, but if you do update, you could still have problems. Confused yet?
That’s where our new Website Maintenance Package comes in. Let us do the worrying for you. We will ensure your site is backed up and updated to the latest versions monthly. Not only that, but we will make up to three website changes for you during a month, and even add one new page per month. Launching a new product or just updating content? We can make those changes for you. It’s all included in your monthly package where you will be able to lock-in a low cost option for website maintenance!
If this sounds like something you might be interested in, REGISTER NOW and you will receive the details and a coupon code delivered right to your inbox on August 1st!