How long does it take to build a website?
How long does it take to build a website is one of the first questions clients ask when inquiring about a new website. The answer….it depends. Often when a potential client comes to us all they have is the product or service they want to sell, and maybe a business name. Other times they know exactly what that want and are ready to start building.
These are all contributing factors to determining the length of time it can take to build a website:
- Domain name – The client will need to know the name of their business and have a registered domain name.
- Web hosting – Some clients only need a smaller hosting package if the website is basically for information purposes only, while those with ecommerce or membership sites need something that can handle storing and processing more content, sometimes with high resolution images and/or lots of traffic.
- Branding – We will need to know what colors you want to use and your logo. Having this before we start is key, so we don’t have to go back and change it at a later time.
- Images – We provide stock images,however we do recommend that you have some custom images created that will help set you apart from other businesses. You want to stand out from the crowd.
- Copy – Your website copy is important in the conversion process, getting people to go from a possible client to actual signed client. This is one of the reasons you need someone who knows how to write copy that will sell your product or service. We do not offer this service but can recommend someone who does.
Without these items there is no way to determine how long it will take to get your website live. If you do not have these items ready, we can certainly help walk you through it. If you have everything listed above, then the site can be ready for your first review in about four days.
Read more about our website services and let us know when you are ready to start building!